I finally realized my mission in life…..Inspire and Change Lives!
Only a person who has been there and has faced the same challenges and struggles can truly understand the difficulty, physically and emotionally, of trying to lose weight. I have been there, FACED the challenges and OVERCAME the struggles, and I truly understand how difficult it is. It's never too late to get yourself in the best shape of your life!!
If I had the option to choose my dream job, it would have to be Chris Powell's on Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition.
Helping others transform their lives and showing them that IT CAN BE DONE is my Ambition in life. This is something I am very passionate about.
"Making the Impossible, POSSIBLE!"
What did you do?
I would not call it a diet but rather a life-style change.
After being challenged by a friend of mine, WBFF fitness model Andrey Davidenko, and speaking with a few people on what I should eat, I chose a High Protein Diet with a Moderated Carb intake. I did not completely eliminate Carbs because they are a major source of our energy. I used the "little rule" If it was originally white in color, I removed these items from my diet. These foods consisted of rice, pastas, breads, crackers, and tortillas. When it came to eating Carbs, I would eat whole vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grain cereals. When eating out and ordering a salad, I completely ate it dry. Absolutely No Dressing! Dressing takes the HEALTHY out of the salad. I also stayed away from Ketchup and Mayonnaise. I completely removed sodas, juices and any other item that are not Water. I strictly drink Water!!
I allowed myself one cheat meal a week which usually fell on Friday Nights. When going out to dinner with friends, I would eat whatever I wanted, but sticking to water as my beverage.
When it came to Exercise, I stuck to straight Cardio. I began walking for 45 minutes a day and did so for at least 1 week. The following week I began jogging, working my way to where I completely jogged for the entire 45 minutes. I am currently running anywhere from 5 to 10 miles a day.
If you have Question you can email me at or just add me on Facebook and send me a message. To add me on FB just Click Here
I have also created a FB page just about my weight-loss and you can join that by Clicking Here
You can also follow me on Twitter @EdwinVSuccess
Here is a little write-up the Gym I attend did about me as I was chosen May 2012 Member Of The Month.

Aug 30, 2012
Aug 28, 2012
My Daily Routine in Detail!
Everyone has been asking me for a detailed daily routine of mine. Here it goes!
I wake up at 6 in the morning to get ready for work.
I'm not a huge breakfast person so I try to make breakfast fast and quick since I am also making my lunch during this time.
Oatmeal with fresh blueberries, strawberries and bananas
Sweetened with natural honey.
Water to Drink
I wake up at 6 in the morning to get ready for work.
I'm not a huge breakfast person so I try to make breakfast fast and quick since I am also making my lunch during this time.
Oatmeal with fresh blueberries, strawberries and bananas
Sweetened with natural honey.
Water to Drink
Half Grilled Chicken sandwich on Whole Wheat Fiber Bread with lettuce only
Fresh fruit salad
Kellog's Cracker Crisp
Stila Bites (Dessert)
I get off of work at 4:30 and I head straight to the Gym
I start my workout with cardio
I run 3 miles a day. I prefer to run outside but running on a treadmill is also a great source of Cardio.
After cardio I go straight in my core circuit
Start off with 30 crunches on exercise ball
Then 15x3 leg lifts (15 middle, 15 to left oblique and 15 to right obliques)
Then 15 oblique twist with medicine ball
I rotate through the Circuit 4 Times
My workout routine takes about and hour and a half
Time for Dinner!
Grilled Salmon
Grilled Shrimp
Steamed Brocoli
A little stretching before bed to help with soreness!
That Completes My Day!
Aug 23, 2012
Intimidation At Its Highest!
For some, the hardest part of working out is not the cardio,
the leg presses or even the stationary-bike classes -- it's walking into the
This I would say had to be my biggest struggle. Every time I
walked into the gym, the first thing I thought was that everyone who saw me walking
in would be like, “yup, he definitely needs to be here!”
For this reason, I took it upon my self to start on my own
without the gym. The local Recreation Center has a track open to the public at
no costs. I did my cardio everyday there. I went to the local Wal-Mart and bought
a fitness ball to do Abdominal workouts.
For the first 2 months, I did all my
working-out at the track and at home, All because the gym was way too
intimidating to me. After some weight came off, I signed up at the gym, but
made a conscience effort to get there “when there seemed to be the least amount
of people!”
People may think health clubs are filled with incredible
hulks and smiling supermodels, surrounded by mysterious, sinister-looking
weights and machines. In other words, the gym can be intimidating.
The truth is, no one's perfect. And everyone is at the gym
for the same reason -- to improve.
Gyms have every kind of person -- young, old, skinny, heavy,
male and female.
"Everyone at the gym is in the same situation, and not
everyone is a 20-year-old bodybuilder." "Going to the gym for the
first time is like the first day of school. You may not like it, it may seem
strange and lots of people hate it. But you get through it and you do
With that in mind, you can start to move past your
intimidation. And one day soon, you just might find yourself completely at home
in the gym, wondering what all that anxiety was about.
Aug 17, 2012
More Examples of My Meals
Tilapia with Broccoli and Fresh Strawberries and Blueberries
Oatmeal with Fresh Strawberries and Blueberries and Sweetened with a hint of Natural Honey
Grilles Chicken, Sliced Tomatoes and Steamed Broccoli
Grilled Chicken and Brocoli
Half Tuna Sandwich on Fiber Bread with NO Mayo, just straight Tuna. Fresh Strawberries and Grapes with a serving size of Kellog's Cracker Crisp
Shrimp Wrap. Fresh Fruit Salad makes a great side!
Shrimp and Brocoli!
Aug 15, 2012
My 8 Month Progress!
I have now lost a total of 125 pounds since November 18, 2011.
My core has been my main focus lately.
After I complete my daily cardio, I do 30 minutes of Abs.
Aug 13, 2012
Exercising and Music
My sister asked me the other day, "Who did you go running with?"
I simply replied, "with Rihanna, Usher, Beyonce, Fun., LMFAO, Pit Bull"
If it wasn't for music and artist like these, I honestly think I wouldn't be where I am now with my accomplished weight loss.
Fitness music will enhance your workout in many ways. Music
helps to relax you, energize you, motivate you and regulate the pace of your
Here are five exercise benefits of fitness music:
1. Mental Stimulation
One of the challenges of exercise for some people is that it
can get boring. If exercise has become a chore for you, consider listening to
music while you work out. It will keep your mind busy. Listening to music may
seem like it demands nothing from your mind but, in reality, it does.
When you listen to music, your brain is sorting through
rhythms, timing, tones and the sequence of pitches and sounds in order to
understand and appreciate the music. Listening to music actually stimulates the
frontal lobe of your brain, which is generally involved in advanced thought
processes. When you listen to music while exercising, you are giving your brain
something to do.
2. Increases Enjoyment
When you’re lost in the enjoyment of your favorite music
while exercising, time goes by faster. If you’re just starting your day, the
combination of music and exercise can energize you and lift your mood for the
rest of the day. If you tend to exercise at the end of the day, listening to
music while working out can help you to relax and unwind from a stressful or
tiring day.
3. Increases Exercise Intensity
If your goal is to get a really good workout, choose faster
tempo music. The body has a tendency to move in time with the rhythm of the
music. You have probably noticed other people naturally tapping their feet to
music without even realizing it themselves. When your goal is to push yourself to
the next level, whether you are lifting weights, doing aerobics or running up a
hill, listening to high energy, fast-paced music will increase your energy and
help your muscles to move faster and to demonstrate more strength.
4. Increases Motivation
One of the benefits of music is that it can be rejuvenating
and energizing. If you don’t feel like exercising on some days, just turn on
some music first. You may find yourself feeling more excited about moving
around. Music is a great motivator. It creates excitement and may push you to
get going with your workout.
5. Assists with Warm Up and Cool Down
Every workout should start with a proper warm up. This is
essential to get the blood flowing, to stretch your muscles and to prevent
injury. For warm up music you may want choose pieces that start off with a
slower tempo and build slowly.
For your cool down, select fitness music that is slower
paced and with less complicated rhythms. You want to give your body the signal
that the workout is coming to an end. Your heart rate needs to decrease
gradually. You can follow your cool down with classical music or an
instrumental piece of music that you find exhilarating and relaxing.
Aug 5, 2012
Importance of a Cheat Meal
When reading this, take into consideration that I allowed myself only 1 cheat meal a week
and stuck to water as beverage.
and stuck to water as beverage.
Cheat meals may help you stay focused and maintain your diet plan by
allowing you to occasionally enjoy otherwise "forbidden" foods. These
occasional indulgences help break the monotony of low-fat and low-calorie
dieting, and may help you resist the temptation to give up on your weight loss
goals. Cheat meals may give you the psychological break you need to avoid
dieting burnout.
Planning cheat meals is an essential part of participating in social
activities. Many dieters find it difficult to eat at restaurants and social
gatherings where counting calories and identifying fattening ingredients can be
challenging. A cheat meal can also help you deal with busy days when preparing
meals from scratch is not possible. Cheat meals are also useful for traveling,
when diet-friendly options may not be available.
Metabolism Management
Some diet plan advocates believe that, over time, consistent dieting may
result in slowed weight loss. Dieters commonly believe that taking one or two
planned cheat meals per week may "confuse" your metabolism, which may
allow your body to continue burning stored fats as fuel. However, there is no
scientific evidence linking cheat meals to weight loss.
Although an occasional cheat meal can help keep you from becoming bored
with your diet, and may facilitate continued weight loss, allowing yourself
more than one or two cheat meals per week may be counterproductive. Cheat meals
typically pack in hundreds of extra calories, which can cause you to regain
weight that you have worked to lose. Although cheat meals allow you to enjoy
the occasional indulgence, you should exercise common sense and portion control
to prevent weight gain.
Limit it to 1 Cheat Meal per Week!
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