Those good decisions should begin before you leave for your trip. If possible, research hotels where you plan to go, and book accommodations at a hotel that offers fitness amenities that suit your preferences. On a recent trip to San Francisco I was able to book a hotel with a great 24-hour gym by looking through a travel review site beforehand. This site gave me a list of the best hotels in San Francisco and from there I could scroll through and see which ones had great fitness centers. Whether or not you are able to select your own accommodations, be sure to find out something about the community where you will be staying. Are there local running trails or tracks that you can use? Does your fitness club have a gym in the area where you can work out while visiting?
Your travel fitness routine can begin while you are still en route to your destination. While you are flying or riding take the opportunity to walk through some basic chair exercises and stretches. These will keep you limber and help you avoid swelling and pain that often accompany long flights or rides.
Upon arrival at your hotel, take the time to learn where the fitness center and other amenities are located. In your room, spend a few moments stretching or do some basic yoga to center yourself before moving on to meetings and other activities.
Be realistic about your fitness goals when traveling. You probably won’t be able to keep up with the pace you set at home. Instead, take advantage of what time you do have, and make the most of it. Try getting up before breakfast to take a 20-minute run. Instead of simply relaxing by the hotel pool in the evening, get in and move around. If you find yourself stuck inside a revolving door of seemingly endless meetings, take advantage of short breaks to get a little exercise.
As long as you keep moving, you’re doing yourself a favor. When you get back home, going back to your usual exercise routine will be much easier than if you hadn’t made a point of staying fit on the road.