I finally realized my mission in life…..Inspire and Change Lives!
Only a person who has been there and has faced the same challenges and struggles can truly understand the difficulty, physically and emotionally, of trying to lose weight. I have been there, FACED the challenges and OVERCAME the struggles, and I truly understand how difficult it is. It's never too late to get yourself in the best shape of your life!!
If I had the option to choose my dream job, it would have to be Chris Powell's on Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition.
Helping others transform their lives and showing them that IT CAN BE DONE is my Ambition in life. This is something I am very passionate about.
"Making the Impossible, POSSIBLE!"
What did you do?
I would not call it a diet but rather a life-style change.
After being challenged by a friend of mine, WBFF fitness model Andrey Davidenko, and speaking with a few people on what I should eat, I chose a High Protein Diet with a Moderated Carb intake. I did not completely eliminate Carbs because they are a major source of our energy. I used the "little rule" If it was originally white in color, I removed these items from my diet. These foods consisted of rice, pastas, breads, crackers, and tortillas. When it came to eating Carbs, I would eat whole vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grain cereals. When eating out and ordering a salad, I completely ate it dry. Absolutely No Dressing! Dressing takes the HEALTHY out of the salad. I also stayed away from Ketchup and Mayonnaise. I completely removed sodas, juices and any other item that are not Water. I strictly drink Water!!
I allowed myself one cheat meal a week which usually fell on Friday Nights. When going out to dinner with friends, I would eat whatever I wanted, but sticking to water as my beverage.
When it came to Exercise, I stuck to straight Cardio. I began walking for 45 minutes a day and did so for at least 1 week. The following week I began jogging, working my way to where I completely jogged for the entire 45 minutes. I am currently running anywhere from 5 to 10 miles a day.
If you have Question you can email me at or just add me on Facebook and send me a message. To add me on FB just Click Here
I have also created a FB page just about my weight-loss and you can join that by Clicking Here
You can also follow me on Twitter @EdwinVSuccess
Here is a little write-up the Gym I attend did about me as I was chosen May 2012 Member Of The Month.

Jan 17, 2013
Day 10 of 21
Day 10 of 21

We obsess about achieving that “perfect” beach body where we put ourselves on ridiculous diets that are impossible to stick with or go spend hours at the gym obsessing about getting rid of that stubborn belly fat. You spend hours at the gym killing yourself and the other hours out of the day thinking about what you can do to lose weight. Does this sound like anyone you know? Prior to gaining knowledge on healthy eating and the correct way to exercise, I spent many years doing just these things. I would end up losing a large amount of weight in a short amount of time, but also gain it all back plus a few extra. I’ve always known that hard work leads to satisfaction and results so not having both these key components had me asking, “What am I doing wrong?”
The first thing to understand is that there is no quick fix in losing weight and that it does take time and dedication. Obsessing over your body in this case isn’t such a bad thing if you know how to correctly take advantage of the hours that are spent outside of the gym. Follow these simple tips!
Stay hydrated. Try drinking plenty of fluids and you'll also have an easier time controlling your cravings! Drinking plenty of water is extremely important for peak athletic performance. A small study by Boschmann and colleagues (2003) showed that drinking half a liter of water increased metabolic rate up to 30% in 14 healthy, normal-weight participants.
**Try eating foods that contain pectin. This is found in foods such as apples, strawberries, peaches, sweet potatoes and carrots. Pectin is a calorie lacking complex carbohydrate and soluble fiber that helps empty your stomach slowly causing you to feel less hungry and satisfied. Great if you're trying to cut calories!
**Add spices that are full of flavor to your cooking and meals. The rich flavors help stimulate your taste buds which triggers your cranial nerves. My favorite spices are from Mrs. Dash and are very low in sodium. Feel fuller without over-eating! In addition, certain spices such as chili peppers contain capsaicin which can actually increase your metabolic rate!
**Drink more green tea and consume more flaxseeds. According to research, green tea has been shown to improve cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce fatty liver, and burn more fat. In addition, a small Chinese study in 2005 showed adding green tea can lower estrogen levels which may help ward off belly fat. Adding, flaxseeds can More belly fat is stored in your abdominal area if you have higher levels of estrogen in your body.
**Minimize lactose. Lactose is milk sugar that gets converted to simple sugar in your gut and can make your blood sugar levels spike. We all know that eating non-starchy carbohydrates, such as whole grains like oatmeal, keep your blood sugar levels steady and prevent metabolic syndrome. A great alternative milk is unsweetened almond milk. It is creamy in texture, full of calcium, 35 calories, and 2.5 grams of fat per 8oz. This is not to say that milk is bad for you. Milk has many beneficial ingredients including Vitamin D, protein, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B2 and calcium. However, when trying to get lean, minimizing simple sugars is extremely important.
**Stay AWAY from beer! We all know that beer is bad for us and that it contains sugars and empty calories, but did you ever think of how it affects your ability to lean out or gain muscle? Drinking beer reduces your body from being able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as E (alpha tocopherol), D and selenium. Now having said that, did you know that the amount of vitamin D in your body is directly linked to the amount of fat lost when following a reduced calorie diet? Also, remember that alcohol is catabolic in your body, thus breaking down your hard earned muscle. I know that drinking is hard to avoid especially during the summer time when you're out at the beach or just relaxing by the pool, but just having this in mind should help you limit yourself to how much you drink. Stay away from binge drinking!!
If you can't pick it, grow it, or kill it, then don't eat it! This is simple. Consume foods in its original form like veggies, nuts, berries, and meats. Not only will you get more nutrients, but this will keep you lean and full of energy.
80% of your results come from what you eat and these are great ways to make sure that you are always on track and working towards your goal. Every correct step you take towards changing your eating habit is also a great motivational element that you will build unconsciously; you will feel more energized, satiated, and happier. Staying motivated is what I say is the upmost important factor because if you lack the motivation to make changes, then the results will never come. Your ideal beach body is obtainable but it is up to you to start making the necessary steps to achieve them!

We obsess about achieving that “perfect” beach body where we put ourselves on ridiculous diets that are impossible to stick with or go spend hours at the gym obsessing about getting rid of that stubborn belly fat. You spend hours at the gym killing yourself and the other hours out of the day thinking about what you can do to lose weight. Does this sound like anyone you know? Prior to gaining knowledge on healthy eating and the correct way to exercise, I spent many years doing just these things. I would end up losing a large amount of weight in a short amount of time, but also gain it all back plus a few extra. I’ve always known that hard work leads to satisfaction and results so not having both these key components had me asking, “What am I doing wrong?”
The first thing to understand is that there is no quick fix in losing weight and that it does take time and dedication. Obsessing over your body in this case isn’t such a bad thing if you know how to correctly take advantage of the hours that are spent outside of the gym. Follow these simple tips!
Stay hydrated. Try drinking plenty of fluids and you'll also have an easier time controlling your cravings! Drinking plenty of water is extremely important for peak athletic performance. A small study by Boschmann and colleagues (2003) showed that drinking half a liter of water increased metabolic rate up to 30% in 14 healthy, normal-weight participants.
**Try eating foods that contain pectin. This is found in foods such as apples, strawberries, peaches, sweet potatoes and carrots. Pectin is a calorie lacking complex carbohydrate and soluble fiber that helps empty your stomach slowly causing you to feel less hungry and satisfied. Great if you're trying to cut calories!
**Add spices that are full of flavor to your cooking and meals. The rich flavors help stimulate your taste buds which triggers your cranial nerves. My favorite spices are from Mrs. Dash and are very low in sodium. Feel fuller without over-eating! In addition, certain spices such as chili peppers contain capsaicin which can actually increase your metabolic rate!
**Drink more green tea and consume more flaxseeds. According to research, green tea has been shown to improve cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce fatty liver, and burn more fat. In addition, a small Chinese study in 2005 showed adding green tea can lower estrogen levels which may help ward off belly fat. Adding, flaxseeds can More belly fat is stored in your abdominal area if you have higher levels of estrogen in your body.
**Minimize lactose. Lactose is milk sugar that gets converted to simple sugar in your gut and can make your blood sugar levels spike. We all know that eating non-starchy carbohydrates, such as whole grains like oatmeal, keep your blood sugar levels steady and prevent metabolic syndrome. A great alternative milk is unsweetened almond milk. It is creamy in texture, full of calcium, 35 calories, and 2.5 grams of fat per 8oz. This is not to say that milk is bad for you. Milk has many beneficial ingredients including Vitamin D, protein, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B2 and calcium. However, when trying to get lean, minimizing simple sugars is extremely important.
**Stay AWAY from beer! We all know that beer is bad for us and that it contains sugars and empty calories, but did you ever think of how it affects your ability to lean out or gain muscle? Drinking beer reduces your body from being able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as E (alpha tocopherol), D and selenium. Now having said that, did you know that the amount of vitamin D in your body is directly linked to the amount of fat lost when following a reduced calorie diet? Also, remember that alcohol is catabolic in your body, thus breaking down your hard earned muscle. I know that drinking is hard to avoid especially during the summer time when you're out at the beach or just relaxing by the pool, but just having this in mind should help you limit yourself to how much you drink. Stay away from binge drinking!!
If you can't pick it, grow it, or kill it, then don't eat it! This is simple. Consume foods in its original form like veggies, nuts, berries, and meats. Not only will you get more nutrients, but this will keep you lean and full of energy.
80% of your results come from what you eat and these are great ways to make sure that you are always on track and working towards your goal. Every correct step you take towards changing your eating habit is also a great motivational element that you will build unconsciously; you will feel more energized, satiated, and happier. Staying motivated is what I say is the upmost important factor because if you lack the motivation to make changes, then the results will never come. Your ideal beach body is obtainable but it is up to you to start making the necessary steps to achieve them!
Jan 15, 2013
Day 9 of 21
Day 9 of 21
There are healthy and delicious food substitutions that can be used in everyday food preparation. Taste does not need to be compromised when preparing a healthy meal. Remember, there is usually a low-fat or low calorie alternative to a regular ingredient that will not alter the taste while making a healthy substitution. Try one substitution at a time to assess how each works in your favorite recipes.
1. Whole Wheat
Replace white bread, rice, crackers, pasta and sweetened cereals with whole wheat bread and pasta, whole grain crackers and cereals, brown rice and couscous.
2. Fresh Herbs
Use fresh herbs and spices in place of salt.
Fresh ground black pepper is the simplest of spice substitutions.
Experimenting with other flavorful herbs and spices can enhance the flavor of any recipe.
Salt is an essential component of any baking recipe; do not make a substitution in baking.
3. Low Fat Dairy
Dairy products can be a healthier choice by selecting a low fat or nonfat substitute.
Heavy cream can be replaced with fat free sour cream.
Replace sour cream with nonfat plain Greek yogurt; this eliminates the high saturated fat and cholesterol while adding high quality protein.
Instead of mayonnaise, nonfat yogurt can be used in salad dressing and spreads.
Thicken soups or sauces by pureeing a portion of the chunky ingredients; add the puree back into the recipe. This healthy alternative thickens the recipe without the fat intake.
4. Applesauce
Try using applesauce in place of butter or shortening. One half cup of applesauce equals one cup of butter or shortening. Be aware that baked goods using applesauce can become a little rubbery if left in the oven too long. Non stick cooking spray is another important substitution when baking or cooking on the stovetop. Simply spray the pan to eliminate the extra butter or shortening. Another secret to eliminating unnecessary fat is to substitute vegetable stock for butter when sauteeing vegetables on the stovetop.
5. Eggs
Eggs are easy to substitute. Use either a liquid egg substitute (Egg Whites) or a powdered replacement.
The liquid substitute is the most common and can be used in baking as well as to make a delicious omelet or scrambled eggs; 1/4 cup of egg substitute equals one whole egg.
The powdered egg replacement can only be used in baking; mix 1 tablespoon of the powdered egg with 3 tablespoons of water to reconstitute and add to recipe.
6. Turkey, Chicken and Tofu
Moving onto the main entree, there is an easy ground beef substitution. Ground turkey or ground chicken can be used in any recipe calling for ground beef; an easy way to eliminate unhealthy fat grams. The ground chicken is a little moister than the turkey so adjust cooking times accordingly. At the very least, use extra lean ground beef if turkey and chicken are not an option. Tofu is another option to replace chicken in any entree recipe.
7. Fresh and Frozen Vegetables
The best choice of vegetables is fresh. Next choice, select frozen vegetables with no added flavors, salt or sauces.
Canned vegetables should be avoided because of the salt content and other additives.
8. Other Substitutions
Try these simple food substitutions that can make your meals healthier from the start.
Don't use bacon; use Canadian bacon or lean ham.
Don't use ricotta cheese; use low-fat or nonfat cottage cheese.
Don't use cream in coffee; use milk.
Don't use mayonnaise on a sandwich; use mustard.
Don't use butter on a bagel; use jam.
Jan 14, 2013
Day 8 of 21
Day 8 of 21
Myth: All models look like their pictures.
5 years ago I was nieve to think that when I looked a picture in a magazine, that people actually looked EXACTLY like their pictures. Then I began to work with people in the fitness industry. When I attended my first olympia, I was surprised to see that people didn't' exactly look like their pictures. Many were not as lean, had cellulite and on and on.
Many people will make the decision to get in shape. They may find a picture in a magazine that they like and say this is what I want to look like. There is nothing wrong with this, but when you look at a photo, you have to ask yourself, is this obtainable and sustainable?
I can count on 1 hand the fitness models that are always camera ready. Why? Because to maintain the physics that they have for a photo shoot would not only be very difficult, but very unhealthy. Much like people that compete, the body they step out on stage with is not a sustainable body. Then you have those people that make the choice to use steroids to help maintain their physic. If they have a steroid body (many woman in the fitness industry are using now and we are talking about bikini competitors not the hard core body building woman), there is no way you will be able to do that eating healthy and balanced. I have had numerous people come to me with metabolic damage from overtraining and under eating. This is very difficult to fix and takes quite a bit of time. Several top fitness models have spoken out about their experience with this and how it has hurt their bodies, and for what? A plastic trophy.
Another factor you have to look at is all the photo shopping that is done. In this picture you can see the difference photo shop can make. It is huge. If all of the woman I know that feel bad about themselves had some of their pictures done, they would be pretty happy with themselves!!!
The point I am trying to make is we are so critical of ourselves. We pick up a magazine and feel we should look like that. The most important thing is to be healthy. If you use a picture as motivation, try and find someone that has your body shape. It is unrealistic to have a curvy body and look like Jamie Eason. Her build is completely different. So what does that look like?
It is eating healthy meals, in their most natural state. It is getting plenty of water and rest. It is exercising regularly, and not too much or too little. Having fun is important to a healthy mindset. Many of the fitness people are some of the most unhealthy people. They drink their meals, have too much protein and too little vegetables and other carbs. Things are not always as they appear to be. Don't ever compare yourself to anyone. You are an original and as long as you are striving to be your highest and best self that is all that matters.
Jan 13, 2013
Day 7 of 21
Day 7 of 21:
"Fitness Myths"
In today’s crazy world where everyone seems to have different views and opinions about exercising a certain way or eating certain foods can often lead us to frustration and can leave us with a sense of hopelessness. You don’t have to be a personal trainer or know everything about nutrition to gain some knowledge in helping yourself achieve your ideal physique or to improve your health. The fact is that people will listen to anyone about working out or dieting if they themselves are clueless about this subject. Be weary on who you approach when seeking answers to your questions and keep in mind that not all employees or personal trainers in health clubs are knowledgeable in this field. I know that I often come across health club employees that have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. We have to keep in mind that a question can be asked and answered by anyone even if they are not creditable. I will unveil some of the top fitness myths that are often talked about that will help you ensure your confidence when setting up your training and nutrition plan.
The first myth that I will discourse is what I like to call the 6-Pack Abs myth. There are so many questions that rise from this subject like, “will doing a thousand crunches a day make me have a 6-pack?” This is definitely a big NO and the amount of crunches you do within a day or week has zero correlation on whether you will have abs or not. If you look at a muscle chart of the human body, everyone has the same number of muscles and muscle groups that make up the muscular system. Whether you train your abs or not, you have them. The hardest part of getting your abs to show has to do with your diet and the percentage of body-fat you hold. Lets face the facts, if it was as easy as performing crunches everyday to get a 6-pack, then more people would have a great mid-section. One of my favorite sayings that I hear in the fitness industry is that, “abs are made in the kitchen, and not the gym.” This is completely true!
This next popular myth of Calorie- counting says that the number of calories you consume in a day will determine whether you lose weight or not. It does make sense that the fewer calories you take in, the more you’ll lose. This myth is proven false because of the glycemic index or the GI. The glycemic index is the ranking of different carbohydrates and the effect it has on our blood glucose levels. I like to compare eating a sweet potato containing 100 calories and eating a candy bar that also contains 100 calories to help my clients understand the differences amongst calorie sources. The sweet potato in comparison to the candy bar is very low on the glycemic index, which means that it causes very little fluctuation in our blood sugar levels. Insulin is the key hormone that plays an important role in stabilizing the blood glucose levels in our bodies. Eating foods high on the GI will cause your pancreas to secrete insulin into your bloodstream to lower and stabilize the increased blood glucose level. When this happens, your body holds onto stored fat and makes it difficult to lose weight. Be smart about your food choices and maintain a steady balance of low GI carbohydrates, protein, and fats for optimal fat-loss!
This third myth I chose to discuss particularly brainwashes females over males because of what our society considers acceptable when it comes to having muscle mass. I’m sure almost everyone has heard that lifting weights will make you look bulky. I like to call this misconception the Incredible Hulk myth. In my initial orientations with my female clients, almost all of them tell me that they do not want to train with heavy weights or even weights at all in fear of becoming bulky. Well the fact is that you will not blow up into the incredible Hulk by lifting heavy. Studies have shown that increases in muscle mass will help burn more calories which can aid in fat-loss when guided by a proper diet. Keep in mind that the key hormone to increase muscle mass is testosterone. Although females do have levels of this hormone, it is such a minimal amount that lifting heavy will not drastically result in muscle growth. The testosterone levels in males are 20 to 30 times higher than in females. Also note that someone who carries more muscle mass will appear bulkyif they carry a noticeable amount of fat on top of muscle. So once again, your diet factors into this equation.
The next myth highlights a topic that I often find myself getting into an argument over. There isn’t a definite time limit on how long a training session should last; and this is where the myth about Over-training comes into play. People think that training for hours in the gym is what separates those with ‘perfect’ figures and those who do not. The actuality of this myth is that there is such thing as spending too much time in the gym. Training harder and longer is not the answer in obtaining faster results. Spending relentless hours training will actually hurt your body and stunt muscle growth. Depending on how long you train, over-training causes deterioration of your muscles. It takes years of hard work and dedication to build quality muscle mass so over-training should be avoided at all costs. Proper recovery time is also crucial in muscle repair after a workout so consider this factor, as well as the time you will spend in the gym. In other words, train smarter and not harder! If you find yourself exceeding over an hour in the gym, you may want to re- evaluate your training regimen.
Cardiovascular exercise is known to help shed fat; and so we find ourselves on that piece of cardio equipment we love so much for an hour or even more. Does this sound like anyone you know? I call this the Crazy-Cardio myth and goes along with over-training. Spending hours doing cardio will NOT result in shedding fat. Not only are you wasting time, but you are also driving yourself crazy! So this myth states that, “doing hours of cardio will result in quicker results.” This is a false statement and studies have shown that short and high-intensity cardio will not only preserve muscle but also keep you burning calories up to 24 hours after your cardio session.
There are many more myths that rumor the fitness setting, but I find that these are the top 5 myths that are talked about the most and that I find the most important. Knowing the facts about proper nutrition and training is the key factor in your journey to achieving the goals
you desire. The ability to point out your own weakness is a necessary part in planning out a diet or workout plan. You can avoid certain cravings, such as sweets, by finding an alternative food choice that does not interfere with your meal plan. I consider knowledge to be power; putting forth a little effort in researching which myths are true or false will take you a step closer to your destination. Set a direct path in your workout and diet plan from these myths that I have uncovered and be confident that having this knowledge will get you the results you seek!
Day 6 of 21
Day 6 of 21
Everyone’s lives are so busy these days; sometimes it’s hard
enough just to get workouts in without having to figure out what to eat when
you drag yourself home at night. This is
usually when your eating healthy begins to suffer!
When this happens and things get chaotic, meals are usually the
first things that suffer. Again, we rely on the quick and easy and we stop and
pick up fast food, hit the vending machine at work or school, and even skip
meals sometimes. All of these are things that should be avoided and are just
affecting your body in negative ways. Eating the wrong kinds of food at the
wrong times can create disarray on how you feel which then affects how well
your body functions. If you want to meet your full potential in the gym, you
are going to have to eat right.
When we are extremely busy, we tend to eat whatever is in front
of us, no matter if its good or bad for us. So if you can plan your meals and
have them handy throughout the day, you will have a greater chance of success
in meeting your diet and exercise goals.
Here are some helpful meal preparation strategies:
- Make a plan—It is important to look at your food and drink intake over the course of the entire day and plan ahead for it. If you know ahead of time that you will be eating out at a restaurant or a friend’s house, you can plan around the unhealthy items. Even a quick plan made in the morning or before you go to bed at night will save you time and frustration later when the “before bedtime munchies” kick in!
- Cook in batches—Whenever you find the time to cook, make enough for several days. Separate the food into smaller portions and store in the fridge or freezer. That way it will be ready to be packed up whenever you need it. This is something I do personally and helps me out tremendously
- Invest in a cooler—If you are going to be away from home all day, pack all 4-5 meals and take them with you in a cooler or hot/cold lunch bag. This practice will save you headaches later on and may even save you money because you aren’t eating out.
- Try for balance–Make sure that each meal is a good balance of carbohydrates (good ones) and proteins so that your body’s energy stays balanced as well. Eating all the proteins for your entire day in one sitting is not a balanced approach.
- Accessible meals will help you stay on the right track to meeting your fitness goals. You will be less hungry, more energetic, and it will create have a positive outlook on things, as you continue to work hard towards reaching your fitness goals. So plan for and prepare your meals ahead of time and you are sure to start feeling and looking great.
Jan 11, 2013
Day 5 of 21
Day 5 of 21: (Bo)
Glycemic Index aka GI Scale
The first couple of lessons addressed the importance of carbohydrates for fuel and why our bodies need them. While carbohydrates all turn into a form of glucose (sugar), each type of carbohydrate, depending on its source, will have different rates of how fast your body converts it into glucose. This is where the importance of the GI Scale comes into play. Carbs are classified into 2 main categories that consist of complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs are your starchy foods. These types of carbs are typically refined and a white color. The rate of glucose conversion happens rapidly. The molecules of a simple carbohydrate are easily broken down, starting in your mouth palate. It is quickly absorbed for conversion; therefore, being a fast-acting energy source. You’ll see many athletes, such as marathon runners or football players consume a high dosage of either a drink or food that contains high levels of sugar and carbs. These are fast-acting carbs and sugars that are readily used for immediate fuel. For fat loss, your insulin levels must be stable; therefore, carbs that are considered starchy or higher in simple sugars spike insulin levels which makes it harder for your body to rid fat. Look to the Glycemic Index to see where your carb choices fall. This will allow you to make smarter choices!
Jan 10, 2013
Day 4 of 21
Day 4 of 21
THE IMPORTANCE OF FATS!! Many people think that eating fats like nuts, avocados and coconut oil will make them fat. Fats are essential for life. This is why they are called ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS!! There was a time when people were told to go on a low fat diet and moving to fat free food, only produced a fatter America. All the food that was fat free now was loaded with sugar and artificial sweeteners that have only had a negative effect.
The function and benefit of essential fatty acids:
Required for 60% of brain function
Increases ability to burn fat
Important for maintaining proper temperature
Precursor for hormones
Lowering triglyceride levels
Reducing plaque from arteries
Lowering blood pressure
Reducing inflammation
Repairs old cell membrane and create new
Strengthens cells and capillary structures
Prolongs blood clotting time (great blood thinner)
Manufacturing and balancing of cholesterol
Prevent the growth of bacteria and viruses
Assisting in the functions of glands and hormones
Needed for hair, skin, and nails
Fats are needed for your memory, mood, hormones, skin and hair. The right kind of fats can even help your body to burn fat. Healthy fats help to keep your cells soft and pliable so that nutrients can transfer into the cell and waste can transfer out. Fat also helps you to feel full and satisfied.
Many times when people decide to get healthy or start working out they will cut fat out of their diet not realizing how important it to their health. In a relatively short period of time, they start to see problems with their hormones (from the lack of cholesterol that is needed to produce their hormones) and soon woman no longer have a cycle and both male and female have no energy because this is needed to help with proper adrenal function.
Cholesterol is necessary for half of your cells, and vital for endocrine function especially the adrenal glands, which make your hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to name a few. Foods rich in cholesterol like fish and eggs are some of the best things you can put in your body. I have seen models that have cut all fat out and when they have their cholesterol checked it is high. The liver will produce it, because as you can see, it is vital for all cell function. Fixing it isn't as simple as eating foods with cholesterol. It take time for your liver to realize it doesn't' need to produce it.
When it comes to fats the trick is to choose healthy fats instead of unhealthy fats like trans fats that are found in chips, fried foods like donuts, margarine and in baked goods you find that are pre packaged.
If you are looking to lose a little fat, your fat should be anywhere from 25-50 grams depending on what you are trying to accomplish and of course it will be lower for a small female vs a large male.
I hope this information helps you to realize how important the right fats are in your diet.
Jan 9, 2013
Day 3 of 21
Day 3 of 21: Led by Edwin Velez
Days 1 and 2 were off to a great start and Bo and Michelle have provided you guys with some awesome information on nutrition and how eating properly affects our body. I want to take Day 3 and get you motivated to put those things that Bo and Michelle shared in to practice. As many of you have browsed through my site and have gotten to know a few more things about, I just want to take this time to point out some important steps I took at the beginning of my Weight-Loss Journey.
We all know that losing weight is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. We start a “diet” and are on it for a week or so and then we slip and are back to old ways. This cycle continues and it gets to a point were it then affects us mentally and we then begin to doubt ourselves. The first step I took was preparing myself MENTALLY. I, too, had started many times and all lasted a few days and then it was back to hold habits. I took a week or so this last time and sat down and mentally focused on getting determined, dedicated but must of all disciplined because this time, NOTHING was going to prevent me from reaching my goal.
Once that step is out the way, its time to plan out your new life style and set goal. Lets get S.M.A.R.T. when it comes to goal settings.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum probability of success.
S – specific,
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time
Most of you might begin with a reasonable goal like “I want to lose weight”, but if you really stop to think about it, that goal is not quite specific enough. What amount of weight do you want to lose? When do you want to lose this by? The answers to this and other so-called “W-questions” make our goals more Specific.
Measuring your progress at frequent intervals is as important as setting the goal in the first place. This serves a two-fold purpose: firstly you know pretty quickly whether what you are doing is working or not and you can take corrective action to keep yourself on track. However, the bigger advantage is the motivation that initial success will give you: nothing will boost your confidence and morale than seeing your body change for the better in the mirror every day.
What if instead of setting a “5 lbs in two months” goal, you decided instead to shed “30 pounds in one month”? Not only is this unrealistic and virtually unattainable, but you are already setting yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will propel you to success and keep that motivation factor alive as well. Think small, attainable targets and you’ll be alright because it’s the attaining of small goals that boosts your morale and helps you aim higher.
This is a little different from setting attainable goals. For example you might set yourself the attainable goal of a 32-inch waist in 3 months. That is certainly attainable if you are only a few inches away from your target. But when it comes to the methods you plan to use to achieve this goal, you might start to become unrealistic. “I will run everyday for two hours”, “I will not eat any sweets, candies, cakes or pastries for the next 3 months” and “I will avoid all fried foods” are all examples of unrealistic methods that you have a slim chance of sticking to. Be realistic and ask yourself what the chances are that you will stick to any drastic change in behavior.
* Remember, your creating a life-style change and its perfectly fine to reward yourself. I had a cheat meal once a week!!
By limiting the time you have to accomplish a goal you have a fixed timetable to work with and the sense of urgency that will spur you to keep on track. In my opinion this is probably the most important attribute of a well-set goal because none of the others matter if you don’t set a time limit by which to accomplish your goal. Whether it is “by spring beak,” or “the next family vacation” an Event is always a good source to help with choosing a time frame!
These things were very important in my success and where I am now. It has been 1 year and 2 weeks that I began this journey and I am down 145 lbs. and I continue to work hard each day to reach my next Goal!
There not time to wait, set your S.M.A.R.T. goal and work hard day in and day out to reach that goal. I KNOW YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!!!
Days 1 and 2 were off to a great start and Bo and Michelle have provided you guys with some awesome information on nutrition and how eating properly affects our body. I want to take Day 3 and get you motivated to put those things that Bo and Michelle shared in to practice. As many of you have browsed through my site and have gotten to know a few more things about, I just want to take this time to point out some important steps I took at the beginning of my Weight-Loss Journey.
We all know that losing weight is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. We start a “diet” and are on it for a week or so and then we slip and are back to old ways. This cycle continues and it gets to a point were it then affects us mentally and we then begin to doubt ourselves. The first step I took was preparing myself MENTALLY. I, too, had started many times and all lasted a few days and then it was back to hold habits. I took a week or so this last time and sat down and mentally focused on getting determined, dedicated but must of all disciplined because this time, NOTHING was going to prevent me from reaching my goal.
Once that step is out the way, its time to plan out your new life style and set goal. Lets get S.M.A.R.T. when it comes to goal settings.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum probability of success.
S – specific,
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time
Most of you might begin with a reasonable goal like “I want to lose weight”, but if you really stop to think about it, that goal is not quite specific enough. What amount of weight do you want to lose? When do you want to lose this by? The answers to this and other so-called “W-questions” make our goals more Specific.
Measuring your progress at frequent intervals is as important as setting the goal in the first place. This serves a two-fold purpose: firstly you know pretty quickly whether what you are doing is working or not and you can take corrective action to keep yourself on track. However, the bigger advantage is the motivation that initial success will give you: nothing will boost your confidence and morale than seeing your body change for the better in the mirror every day.
What if instead of setting a “5 lbs in two months” goal, you decided instead to shed “30 pounds in one month”? Not only is this unrealistic and virtually unattainable, but you are already setting yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will propel you to success and keep that motivation factor alive as well. Think small, attainable targets and you’ll be alright because it’s the attaining of small goals that boosts your morale and helps you aim higher.
This is a little different from setting attainable goals. For example you might set yourself the attainable goal of a 32-inch waist in 3 months. That is certainly attainable if you are only a few inches away from your target. But when it comes to the methods you plan to use to achieve this goal, you might start to become unrealistic. “I will run everyday for two hours”, “I will not eat any sweets, candies, cakes or pastries for the next 3 months” and “I will avoid all fried foods” are all examples of unrealistic methods that you have a slim chance of sticking to. Be realistic and ask yourself what the chances are that you will stick to any drastic change in behavior.
* Remember, your creating a life-style change and its perfectly fine to reward yourself. I had a cheat meal once a week!!
By limiting the time you have to accomplish a goal you have a fixed timetable to work with and the sense of urgency that will spur you to keep on track. In my opinion this is probably the most important attribute of a well-set goal because none of the others matter if you don’t set a time limit by which to accomplish your goal. Whether it is “by spring beak,” or “the next family vacation” an Event is always a good source to help with choosing a time frame!
These things were very important in my success and where I am now. It has been 1 year and 2 weeks that I began this journey and I am down 145 lbs. and I continue to work hard each day to reach my next Goal!
There not time to wait, set your S.M.A.R.T. goal and work hard day in and day out to reach that goal. I KNOW YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!!!
Day 2 of 21
Day 2 of 21: Led By Michelle LeSueur
One of the biggest mistakes people make in their nutrition is cutting out certain fruits and veggies. I especially see this in the fitness industry. Although there are people that have to remove grains because of health reasons, it is important to make sure that when you eat that there is lots of color.
When you look at the typical meal a person eats today there is very little color. Maybe a little green here and there, but for the majority it is very bland. There is a reason that God created foods with many colors. Each one as you can see by this chart has different nutrients that it gives your body. If we were only to eat just red, or yellow we would be missing things in our diet that would help our bodies maintain a healthy balance. e
Many people are creatures of habit and tend to eat the same things over and over. What they don't realize is the more you eat something over and over with out changing it, you can develop a food allergy to it. It is like working out. If you do the same exercised over and over, never switching it up, you will not get the results you are hoping for. You will find the more you switch up your food the more you will feel better and look better.
My beautiful mother in law will be 89 this year. She does not look her age and has an amazing quality of life. She gets around better than her sons and her mind is sharp. When we eat at her house the plate is always colorful. Purples, reds, oranges, and yellows. Mom has always been interested in her health and has eaten this way her whole life. I know that it has contributed to the way she looks and her quality of life.
So here is your challenge this week. When you sit down to eat a meal, look at the plate and see how much color is there and how you can improve it.
One of the biggest mistakes people make in their nutrition is cutting out certain fruits and veggies. I especially see this in the fitness industry. Although there are people that have to remove grains because of health reasons, it is important to make sure that when you eat that there is lots of color.
When you look at the typical meal a person eats today there is very little color. Maybe a little green here and there, but for the majority it is very bland. There is a reason that God created foods with many colors. Each one as you can see by this chart has different nutrients that it gives your body. If we were only to eat just red, or yellow we would be missing things in our diet that would help our bodies maintain a healthy balance. e
Many people are creatures of habit and tend to eat the same things over and over. What they don't realize is the more you eat something over and over with out changing it, you can develop a food allergy to it. It is like working out. If you do the same exercised over and over, never switching it up, you will not get the results you are hoping for. You will find the more you switch up your food the more you will feel better and look better.
My beautiful mother in law will be 89 this year. She does not look her age and has an amazing quality of life. She gets around better than her sons and her mind is sharp. When we eat at her house the plate is always colorful. Purples, reds, oranges, and yellows. Mom has always been interested in her health and has eaten this way her whole life. I know that it has contributed to the way she looks and her quality of life.
So here is your challenge this week. When you sit down to eat a meal, look at the plate and see how much color is there and how you can improve it.
Day 1 of 21
Day 1 of 21: Led By Bo Shin
For many people during this time of year, their main goal is to shed a few pounds and to tighten up a bit for the warmer weather to approach. First, lets start off by clarifying that "dieting" is a temporary fix, and that it takes a lifestyle change to get you to your ultimate fitness and health goal. This may sound frustrating that you have to change your habits that you've formed over the years, but I think by us explaining exactly what happens in your body with certain nutrients will help you make better and smarter food choices from this point forward.
First, I want to start off with a lesson about PROTEIN, FATS, and CARBOHYDRATES. Mostly everyone knows what they are, but why is it then that people will look to completely taking out major Macronutrients such as these? Taking out or reducing carbs is what I run into most with people who are trying to shed fat. The truth is, most people do not intake enough of these nutrients for their bodies to support weight-loss, let alone their energy levels. It is all about a BALANCE of these nutrients. Without a balanced meal plan, many things go wrong throughout the human body; therefore, causing an unbalanced shift in certain hormones (covered next lesson), which affects your mood, fat-loss, and lean muscle mass growth.
PROTEIN→ Protein consists of the essential amino acids that our body needs to replicate DNA, support metabolic functions, and build lean muscle mass. Besides providing energy to the body, dietary protein is also required for grow; especially by children, teenagers, and pregnant women, tissue repair, immune system function, hormone and enzyme production, and for lean muscle mass and tone maintenance. When eaten, the proteins contained in foods are broken down into amino acids, an important dietary source of nitrogen. There are 20 amino acids and the body can make some of them from components within the body, but it cannot synthesize nine of them, accordingly called the “essential amino acids” since they must be provided in the diet. They include: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Protein that comes from animal sources are called “complete proteins” because they contains all of the essential amino acids while protein from plants, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables are called “incomplete proteins” because they are lacking one or more essential amino acid(s).
FATS→ Besides being a source of energy, fat stores protect the internal organs of the body. Some essential fats are also required for the formation of hormones and fats are the slowest source of energy but the most energy-efficient form of food. Each gram of fat supplies the body with about 9 calories, more than twice that supplied by the two other macronutrients. Because fats are such an efficient form of energy, they are stored by the body either in the abdomen or under the skin (subcutaneous fat) for use when the body needs more energy. Fats that are in foods can be broken down into 4 main categories of saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and trans fatty acid fats. We will discuss the differences of these fats in another lesson.
CARBOHYDRATES→ There are two basic types of carbohydrates, depending on their size. Simple carbohydrates are those that cannot be broken down into simpler sugars. They include various forms of sugar, such as glucose and fructose. Complex carbohydrates are larger and consist of long strings of simple carbohydrates. They include sucrose, lactose, maltose, maltodextrins, fructo-oligo-saccharides, starch, amy-lose, and amylopectin. The human body uses carbohydrates in the form of glucose and it can convert both simple and complex carbohydrates into energy very quickly. The Glycemic Index is resourceful for classifying the different types of carbohydrates (Which will be explained in another lesson). The brain needs to use glucose as an energy source, since it cannot use fat for this purpose. This is why the level of glucose in the blood must be constantly maintained above the minimum level. The body also stores very small amounts of excess carbohydrate as energy reserve. The liver stores some as glycogen, a complex carbohydrate that the bodies can easily and rapidly convert to energy. Muscles also store glycogen, which they use during periods of intense physical activity.
**This may be a little much to take in all at first, but understanding the basic functions of these macronutrients will help us better guide you through the next 20 days when we start breaking down the functions of these nutrients!
Jan 7, 2013
"21 Days Towards a Fitter & Healthier Life"
I, Edwin Velez, have teamed up with Bo Shin, Internationally Published Fitness Model and Writer, and Michelle LeSueur - Energetic practitioner and Nutritionist for 21 days of educating people who are in need of some knowledge to be able to sustain their fitness and health goals. There are too many people out there giving advice that have no background in nutrition or training so I wanted to dedicate these next 21 days to weeding out some of the questions that anyone may have; so follow us! I hope that these next 3 weeks can be a life-changing, educational experience for everyone.
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Motivational Monday
Motivational Monday:
Its all in the "WANT" of the person. How bad you really WANT it determines the amount of your success!
Picture on the left is me on that "EYE" opening cruise the last week of NOV 2011 and the picture on the right was this first week of 2013.
A year and a couple of weeks! No time to wait, get after and CRUSH your goals. Everyday given is an opportunity for me to work hard to reach my own fitness goals. Determined, Dedicated, Disciplined and Focused!
Jan 5, 2013
Why I am this Passionate
I truly love ready and replying to my emails, but today I received one that got me thinking.
It was short and simple…
"You have done an outstanding job in your weight-loss journey and I congratulate you. I can see you are super passionate about reaching your dreams and goals and helping others"
and they ended with…
"What has made you so passionate about fitness and sharing your story?"
I have dealt with being overweight since I was in middle school and it just got worse the older I got. Being over-weight and/or obese is not just a physical obstacle in which that person has to deal with. It is literally a disease that consumes every aspect of life. Personally, it affected me mentally and emotionally, interfering with me interacting socially as well as with my self esteem. It went as far as to affecting my schooling and was a constant issue in a relationship I was in. Struggling with all these situations makes you feel like accomplishing anything in impossible. It is a disease that attacks the brain in many different ways.
I know that there are many people who deal with all these struggles and feelings on a daily basis, just like I did. I want to be the first to let them know that this Disease can be overcome and that person they have always dreamed of becoming can be made into reality.
I would have never though that I would go from a waist size 44 to a 31 all in a year, from wearing a 2-3 XL to a small. Passionate does not measure up to how I feel about showing others that their impossible can be made POSSIBLE! I may not be in tip-top shape or have that killer physique, but I can promise you that I have goals that I am working to reach. I will be on stage, one day, and will continue to work hard each and every day to reach my own dreams and goals. By doing so I want to show all those who are doubting themselves that It can be done. Im not rich nor famous! Just a 27 year old educator who works hard to make a difference.
Our fellow art teacher has been working on a project with her students…"A world without……." She asked the students to pick a teacher and create them a collage, personalizing it for that teacher. She had a group of students come to her and ask, "Can we make Mr. V one?" she replied, "yes, but what is it going to be on?" and they replied…
"A World Without Fat People!"
When she told me this, I laughed but then thought. Its something that may be impossible, but I can do everything I can to make a difference. I wouldn't go to say, A World Without Fat People….But "A Healthy NATION" would be a start!!
My LONG thoughts of the Evening!
Jan 1, 2013
Food and Work-Out Logs
One thing I did and continue to do is to keep a daily food log and Work-Out log. Its a good way to reflect back on your day and see the things you need to change and/or improve. I have created a simple form of each today. Hope these help!
Just click on each of the links below to download
Eatig Tip #1
A Little Eating Tip:
Something I do daily that is super simple
but helps keep me accountable!
STOP AND THINK before putting it in your mouth!
Ask yourself, "how will this affect my body and the outcome of me reaching my fitness/health goals?" "It is worth it, or is there a healthier alternative?"
I'm a firm believer of results are made
70% in the Kitchen and 30% in the Gym!
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