I finally realized my mission in life…..Inspire and Change Lives!
Only a person who has been there and has faced the same challenges and struggles can truly understand the difficulty, physically and emotionally, of trying to lose weight. I have been there, FACED the challenges and OVERCAME the struggles, and I truly understand how difficult it is. It's never too late to get yourself in the best shape of your life!!
If I had the option to choose my dream job, it would have to be Chris Powell's on Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition.
Helping others transform their lives and showing them that IT CAN BE DONE is my Ambition in life. This is something I am very passionate about.
"Making the Impossible, POSSIBLE!"
What did you do?
I would not call it a diet but rather a life-style change.
After being challenged by a friend of mine, WBFF fitness model Andrey Davidenko, and speaking with a few people on what I should eat, I chose a High Protein Diet with a Moderated Carb intake. I did not completely eliminate Carbs because they are a major source of our energy. I used the "little rule" If it was originally white in color, I removed these items from my diet. These foods consisted of rice, pastas, breads, crackers, and tortillas. When it came to eating Carbs, I would eat whole vegetables, whole fruits, and whole grain cereals. When eating out and ordering a salad, I completely ate it dry. Absolutely No Dressing! Dressing takes the HEALTHY out of the salad. I also stayed away from Ketchup and Mayonnaise. I completely removed sodas, juices and any other item that are not Water. I strictly drink Water!!
I allowed myself one cheat meal a week which usually fell on Friday Nights. When going out to dinner with friends, I would eat whatever I wanted, but sticking to water as my beverage.
When it came to Exercise, I stuck to straight Cardio. I began walking for 45 minutes a day and did so for at least 1 week. The following week I began jogging, working my way to where I completely jogged for the entire 45 minutes. I am currently running anywhere from 5 to 10 miles a day.
If you have Question you can email me at or just add me on Facebook and send me a message. To add me on FB just Click Here
I have also created a FB page just about my weight-loss and you can join that by Clicking Here
You can also follow me on Twitter @EdwinVSuccess
Here is a little write-up the Gym I attend did about me as I was chosen May 2012 Member Of The Month.

Jan 9, 2013
Day 3 of 21
Day 3 of 21: Led by Edwin Velez
Days 1 and 2 were off to a great start and Bo and Michelle have provided you guys with some awesome information on nutrition and how eating properly affects our body. I want to take Day 3 and get you motivated to put those things that Bo and Michelle shared in to practice. As many of you have browsed through my site and have gotten to know a few more things about, I just want to take this time to point out some important steps I took at the beginning of my Weight-Loss Journey.
We all know that losing weight is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. We start a “diet” and are on it for a week or so and then we slip and are back to old ways. This cycle continues and it gets to a point were it then affects us mentally and we then begin to doubt ourselves. The first step I took was preparing myself MENTALLY. I, too, had started many times and all lasted a few days and then it was back to hold habits. I took a week or so this last time and sat down and mentally focused on getting determined, dedicated but must of all disciplined because this time, NOTHING was going to prevent me from reaching my goal.
Once that step is out the way, its time to plan out your new life style and set goal. Lets get S.M.A.R.T. when it comes to goal settings.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum probability of success.
S – specific,
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time
Most of you might begin with a reasonable goal like “I want to lose weight”, but if you really stop to think about it, that goal is not quite specific enough. What amount of weight do you want to lose? When do you want to lose this by? The answers to this and other so-called “W-questions” make our goals more Specific.
Measuring your progress at frequent intervals is as important as setting the goal in the first place. This serves a two-fold purpose: firstly you know pretty quickly whether what you are doing is working or not and you can take corrective action to keep yourself on track. However, the bigger advantage is the motivation that initial success will give you: nothing will boost your confidence and morale than seeing your body change for the better in the mirror every day.
What if instead of setting a “5 lbs in two months” goal, you decided instead to shed “30 pounds in one month”? Not only is this unrealistic and virtually unattainable, but you are already setting yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will propel you to success and keep that motivation factor alive as well. Think small, attainable targets and you’ll be alright because it’s the attaining of small goals that boosts your morale and helps you aim higher.
This is a little different from setting attainable goals. For example you might set yourself the attainable goal of a 32-inch waist in 3 months. That is certainly attainable if you are only a few inches away from your target. But when it comes to the methods you plan to use to achieve this goal, you might start to become unrealistic. “I will run everyday for two hours”, “I will not eat any sweets, candies, cakes or pastries for the next 3 months” and “I will avoid all fried foods” are all examples of unrealistic methods that you have a slim chance of sticking to. Be realistic and ask yourself what the chances are that you will stick to any drastic change in behavior.
* Remember, your creating a life-style change and its perfectly fine to reward yourself. I had a cheat meal once a week!!
By limiting the time you have to accomplish a goal you have a fixed timetable to work with and the sense of urgency that will spur you to keep on track. In my opinion this is probably the most important attribute of a well-set goal because none of the others matter if you don’t set a time limit by which to accomplish your goal. Whether it is “by spring beak,” or “the next family vacation” an Event is always a good source to help with choosing a time frame!
These things were very important in my success and where I am now. It has been 1 year and 2 weeks that I began this journey and I am down 145 lbs. and I continue to work hard each day to reach my next Goal!
There not time to wait, set your S.M.A.R.T. goal and work hard day in and day out to reach that goal. I KNOW YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!!!
Days 1 and 2 were off to a great start and Bo and Michelle have provided you guys with some awesome information on nutrition and how eating properly affects our body. I want to take Day 3 and get you motivated to put those things that Bo and Michelle shared in to practice. As many of you have browsed through my site and have gotten to know a few more things about, I just want to take this time to point out some important steps I took at the beginning of my Weight-Loss Journey.
We all know that losing weight is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. We start a “diet” and are on it for a week or so and then we slip and are back to old ways. This cycle continues and it gets to a point were it then affects us mentally and we then begin to doubt ourselves. The first step I took was preparing myself MENTALLY. I, too, had started many times and all lasted a few days and then it was back to hold habits. I took a week or so this last time and sat down and mentally focused on getting determined, dedicated but must of all disciplined because this time, NOTHING was going to prevent me from reaching my goal.
Once that step is out the way, its time to plan out your new life style and set goal. Lets get S.M.A.R.T. when it comes to goal settings.
S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym that describes the various attributes a goal should have to ensure maximum probability of success.
S – specific,
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time
Most of you might begin with a reasonable goal like “I want to lose weight”, but if you really stop to think about it, that goal is not quite specific enough. What amount of weight do you want to lose? When do you want to lose this by? The answers to this and other so-called “W-questions” make our goals more Specific.
Measuring your progress at frequent intervals is as important as setting the goal in the first place. This serves a two-fold purpose: firstly you know pretty quickly whether what you are doing is working or not and you can take corrective action to keep yourself on track. However, the bigger advantage is the motivation that initial success will give you: nothing will boost your confidence and morale than seeing your body change for the better in the mirror every day.
What if instead of setting a “5 lbs in two months” goal, you decided instead to shed “30 pounds in one month”? Not only is this unrealistic and virtually unattainable, but you are already setting yourself up for failure from the very beginning. Creating reasonable and attainable goals for yourself will propel you to success and keep that motivation factor alive as well. Think small, attainable targets and you’ll be alright because it’s the attaining of small goals that boosts your morale and helps you aim higher.
This is a little different from setting attainable goals. For example you might set yourself the attainable goal of a 32-inch waist in 3 months. That is certainly attainable if you are only a few inches away from your target. But when it comes to the methods you plan to use to achieve this goal, you might start to become unrealistic. “I will run everyday for two hours”, “I will not eat any sweets, candies, cakes or pastries for the next 3 months” and “I will avoid all fried foods” are all examples of unrealistic methods that you have a slim chance of sticking to. Be realistic and ask yourself what the chances are that you will stick to any drastic change in behavior.
* Remember, your creating a life-style change and its perfectly fine to reward yourself. I had a cheat meal once a week!!
By limiting the time you have to accomplish a goal you have a fixed timetable to work with and the sense of urgency that will spur you to keep on track. In my opinion this is probably the most important attribute of a well-set goal because none of the others matter if you don’t set a time limit by which to accomplish your goal. Whether it is “by spring beak,” or “the next family vacation” an Event is always a good source to help with choosing a time frame!
These things were very important in my success and where I am now. It has been 1 year and 2 weeks that I began this journey and I am down 145 lbs. and I continue to work hard each day to reach my next Goal!
There not time to wait, set your S.M.A.R.T. goal and work hard day in and day out to reach that goal. I KNOW YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!!!
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